A Hero's Beginning Event/Justice

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After a cryptic talk with King Johnson, Nate and Alk head out for a job, only to run into a Noxel Group hero, Themis.

Burglars: Lemme go, ya little brat! Or else the hostages are gonna-

Nate: What hostages?

Alk: You done over there?

Nate: Finishing up right now... But we shouldn't lost focus. Watch my back for me, will yah?

King Johnson: Wonderful! Just MAGNIFICENT!

King Johnson: Look at these stock prices! Surely they rise in salute of your heroic deeds!

Nate: Yeah, well... We're still not pulling in the results you want combat-wise.

Nate: Have you taken a look online? Everyone's saying those guys are the real heroes.

King Johnson: Those security robots? I suppose they have been rather popular lately.

King Johnson: But that just makes your job all the more important.

King Johnson: Anyway, think fast, kids! I've got another job for you. I'll forward the details, so get to it!

Nate: This is the place in the report, right?

Alk: I think so...

Cold Woman: I was wondering when you would finally show up, Unfortunately, you're too late.

Nate: No way... Themis?!

Alk: Huh? Do you two know each other? Ah, have you worked together before?

Nate: Are you insane?! I'm nowhere near her level! You can't even compare us!

Nate: You're looking at Noxel Group's strongest troubleshooter, the second generation of the legendary Themis!

Themis: And I'm familiar with you as well... Nate of PBC.

Nate: Huh? Really? W-wait, I'm-

Themis: I understand that you're merely an idol, but if you're going play at being a hero, I would prefer if you at least act the part.

Nate: Huh?

Nate: I-I'm not pretending, I really am a hero-

Themis: Do you think the people whose lives you've endangered would call you that?

Themis: I've looked into your activities up until now, and I noticed a lot of unnecessary damage and injuries.

Themis: If you ended up killing someone, do you think all will be forgiven if you just tell their families you were "trying your very best"?

Nate: Of course no-

Themis: Remember that your unsightly behavior reflects on all of us.

Alk: You sure know a lot about Nate. Did you look her up yourself?

Themis: I make sure to research all the troubleshooters in any districts that overlap with my own. Imposters tend to stick out, that's all.

Themis: You need the resolve and will of a hero to BE a hero. Showing off your powers will only lead to disaster.

Themis: That naïve nature of yours won't get you very far in this world...

Alk: Sorry... Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

Nate: What are you apologizing for? Besides... Everything she said was true.

Nate: And I know it...

Manager: Sounds like you ran into a little trouble with one of our competitors.

Themis: You make it sound so serious. We didn't even exchange blows.

Manager: I heard you were the one who approached them.

Themis: I'll admit I had a few harsh words for her, but that's nothing new. It happens all the time between troubleshooters.

Manager: This is a vital time for our plan. Try to avoid starting unnecessary conflicts.

Themis: ...Is everything going smoothly?

Manager: Well, this has to do with another company, but one of their districts has reported a crime rate higher than they can deal with.

Themis: I see... Sounds like you're entering the final stages, then.

Manager: Are you sure you don't want to join us?

Themis: I appreciate the prosthetics and battle systems you provided me, but-

Manager: Understood. Participation is by no means mandatory.

Manager: However, remember that our company always has the city's best interests in mind.

Themis: How frightening. It sounds like they've amassed a lot of power.

Themis: Probably more than that girl...

Themis: Nate of PBC...

Themis: Those eyes of hers... She seemed so annoyed with... everything.