A Hero's Beginning Event/Hero Maker

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Hero Maker

Alk receives a request from King Johnson to teach Nate about being a hero.

Alk: What a nice, peaceful day. Nothing went wrong on my mission, and the pay was great!

Alk: Now I can go home and-

Nate: Oh, for- hey, you! Get outta here! It's way too dangerous!

Alk: Let me help!

Nate: What? Are you crazy?!

Nate: Ugh, whatever! You take that group over there!

Nate: Sorry about that... Didn't mean to get you involved.

Nate: You a troubleshooter? I'll let my company know what went down, so feel free to send them an invoice.

Alk: Huh? No, I don't need any money...

Alk: I didn't even do that much... You did most of the work.

Nate: Well... That's true.

Nate: But you did help, so at least take this business card in case you change your mind.

Alk: It's really not necessary, but if you insist...

Alk: Paradigm Break Company? Wait... Do you work for-

???: Indeed she does!

Alk: Oh no.

King Johnson: Creating the latest and greatest in heroes! AltMeme's premier hero maker, Paradigm Break Company, at your service!

King Johnson: Alongside the man who puts the COOL, ENTICING, and OUTSTANDING in CEO... Me! KING JOHNSON!

King Johnson: Long time, no see, Alk! How'd you like the abridged version of my entrance?

Alk: Yeah, it's something all right... It's, uh... nice to see you again.

Alk: Wait, hero maker? You guys make heroes now?

King Johnson: That we do!

King Johnson: How about we get ourselves a drink and do some catching up? I'll tell you all about that AND our little hero here.

Alk: The Hero Development and Promotion Division? You started a whole new department for that?

King Johnson: Surely it's not THAT far-fetched. You see sponsors listed on the uniforms of different athletes all the time, no?

King Johnson: And who can touch the hearts of the citizens more than the shining symbol of justice! If PBC can carve its name into the symbol, our prosperity is assured!

Alk: And that symbol of justice is you, right, Nate?

Nate: Not that I look the part...

King Johnson: Well, you certainly differ from the freedom blaster that pierced the very sky itself.

Alk: Huh? What's Bulleta got to do with any of this?

King Johnson: She's the one everyone's calling a hero. That power! That energy! That BODY! She'd make a fine product, wouldn't she?

King Johnson: Certainly there have been other troubleshooters lauded as heroes, but her business potential rises far above the rest.

Alk: So lemme guess... Bulleta said no to being your corporate billboard, so you went with someone else?

King Johnson: While I would use more PROFESSIONAL language... yes. And I can't say this venture hasn't had its share of struggles.

Nate: Well yeah, considering I'm weak, gloomy, and ugly to boot.

Alk: Huh? What's all that got to do with being a hero?

Nate: Everything. Right, boss?

King Johnson: NO COMMENT!

King Johnson: But I will say that I believe in Nate. I am, naturally, her biggest fan!

King Johnson: If we can take her cynicism and that twisted self-image of hers and spin it juuust the right way, we'll have ourselves a LEGEND!

Alk: Uhhh... You sure you want to phrase it like that?

King Johnson: However, at the end of the day, AltMeme and PBC are both corporations. They want to see results.

King Johnson: And that's where you come in, Alk.

King Johnson: You've worked with the freedom blaster herself, so surely you can help our little hero here shape up, right?

Nate: What?! Why?!

Nate: Ah, I mean... Uh...

King Johnson: You've seen how she is now. There's no one more suited to showing her the ropes than you.

King Johnson: Or do you hate my beloved hero too much to work with her?!

Alk: Huh? I never said that!

Alk: I don't think I'm cut out to be a coach, but...

Alk: I could still help out. You know, as a fellow troubleshooter.

King Johnson: Works for me! And naturally, we will compensate you for your time!

Nate: You sure you're okay with this?

Alk: Yeah, I mean, I could always use more cash. Looking forward to working with you, Nate.

Nate: Yeah. Sure, likewise...