A Hero's Beginning Event/Fake

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After messing up a job by leaving Alk behind, Nate and Alk rethink their strategy. Seeing this, King Johnson gives Alk his own motorcycle so he can keep up.

Alk: Whoa, wait up! I'm an organic! I can't move like that!

Alk: Five, six... Huh?

Nate: What's up?

Alk: Nate, behind you! They're gonna get away!

Nate: What?! Ah!

King Johnson: Hm... Well, leaving Alk in the dust was bound to happen, but...

King Johnson: Then there's the property damage and the fact that you almost let a suspect escape.

King Johnson: Anything to say for yourself?

Nate: ...No. I screwed up.

Alk: Hold on... I also didn't see the suspect until it was almost too late...

King Johnson: Fine, then both of you are at fault. Happy? You know, I wasn't expecting the number of issues to INCREASE when we signed you on.

King Johnson: Not that we weren't anticipating a few hiccups along the way. But just as a reminder...

King Johnson: At Paradigm Break Company, we grab hold of the future we want and never let go. We expect you to do the same when representing us. Understood?

King Johnson: Now get back to work! I expect a latter of apology regarding this incident later!

Nate: ...Got it.

Alk: Do you want sugar or milk with your coffee?

Nate: Right now... I need BOTH.

Nate: I'm not blind, you know...

Alk: Huh?

Nate: I know I keep getting in my own way. I should be able to do these jobs no problem, but I keep screwing up.

Nate: But can't they lower their expectations a bit?! Sure, they SAY following the AI should be enough, but obviously it's NOT!

Nate: Sorry...

Nate: It's my fault the boss yelled at you like that...

Alk: Here, your coffee.

Nate: Whoa, is this ACTUAL coffee?!

Alk: Yup! I even roasted the beans myself!

Alk: Like Johnson said, they anticipated a few bumps in the road. It's fine.

Nate: Still... Racing off on my own like that was real dumb.

Alk: Eh, you were trying to get to the scene of the crime as fast as you could. That's a good thing in my books.

Nate: You know... I thought you were another idiot duped by Johnson, but you're actually a pretty nice guy.

Alk: Your opinion of me was that low?!

Nate: I think I just... have a hard time focusing.

Nate: First, there's the stuff happening in front of me, and then on top of that, I've got stuff going on in m head too. It's a lot.

Nate: You see, I've got a combat AI installed in me.

Nate: It can control everything from my movements to my emotions during combat. It can even analyze my current situation and come up with an effective strategy.

Alk: Whoa! That's crazy!

Nate: Isn't it? But the fact that I can't get the hang of it means I'm the worst of the worst.

Nate: I know I need to do better, but...

Alk: You can't do it all, right?

Alk: In that case, why don't you leave the backup to me and turn off those extra functions?

Alk: In return, I'll leave the rushing in to you. You're good at that part, right?

Alk: We'll make Johnson do a double take so hard, he hurts his neck.

Nate: You really think I can manage that?

Alk: ...Well, we won't know until we try.

Nate: Come on, you could at least lie a little and say, "Yeah, for sure!" or something...

Alk: I just don't know if Johnson's the type to admit he was wrong about you.

Nate: ...Yeah, I won't get my hopes up.

King Johnson: Au contraire! Facing your failures is the key to future growth and success!

King Johnson: Now that you've had your little team huddle, it's time we got back to discussing the future!

Nate: D-don't scare me like that! How long have you been here?!

King Johnson: Ah, youth truly is a beautiful thing. The two of you almost made this old man cry.

King Johnson: But never mind that! Alk, I've got something for you, so follow me!

King Johnson: Introducing the latest craze to sweep the streets of Qualia City... PBC Hero Gadget No. 169- the self-driving robocycle! No license required!

Alk: Hold on, this is for me?! Whoa... This is so cool!

Nate: Wait... Isn't this the bike from Metal Maniac Paradigm? Is this, uh... legal? What about copyright infringement?

Alk: Metal what now?

Nate: Ah, you know, that classic superhero comic with-

King Johnson: Well, I'm glad to see you two getting along! But enough chitchat. Get out there and take this aby for a test spin!

King Johnson: Don't get any funny ideas though. This is just a patrol. You two can go on your date later.

Nate: Wh-who said anything about a date?!

Nate: Ugh, whatever! Come on, Alk!

Alk: W-wait for me!