A Hero's Beginning Event/Burning

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Nate and Themis trade blows while questioning each other's motives, but after Themis ignores orders from the Unification AI, she is unable to move. Nate gives her a piece of her mind before rushing off to stop the rampaging machines.

Nate: Do you remember your master?

Themis: Obviously.

Themis: He foolishly gave into his emotions and lost his life for it... In the end, he too was only human.

Nate: So that's how you feel...

Nate: Fine. Guess I'll have to knock some sense into you!

Themis: I see your power output has increased.

Themis: But you're still a fool!

Nate: Look who's talking!

Nate: Now fall, dammit!

Themis: Don't you DARE look down on me!

Themis: Give up. Even if you are able to take me down, it won't mean anything.

Themis: The heroes' pain, their suffering, their anxieties... None of them have any meaning!

Themis: They do nothing to change the world!

Newscaster: The former troubleshooters continue their attack on the city...

Commentator: It's hard to believe that we once considered these people heroes. Clearly these brutes only know how to speak with their fists.

Social Media: Heroes, huh? Sounds like just another problem left to us by the previous generation.

Themis: Time to face reality, you little wannabe... Surely you see who is in the wrong here.

Nate: Heh... yeah, people sure are stupid.

Themis: What are you laughing about?

Nate: I mean, it's pretty funny, right?

Nate: No matter how bad they come off, everyone's just fighting for their version of justice.

Nate: No matter how ordinary someone is, they've still got justice in their hearts. Isn't that right?

Themis: No. What you saw is the definition of mob mentality! These people are nothing but sheep!

Themis: Enough of your idealistic drivel. I'll blow it all away!

Nate: Like I'd let you!

Girl: Eek!

Nate: You okay?

Boy: Y-yeah! Thank you!

Alk: Nate!

Alk: How could you?! She was trying to save someone!

Themis: Ah...

Themis: No... I...

Nate: That does it!

Nate: Look, I KNOW you didn't become strong just to cut down people you think deserve it!

Nate: The Themis I knew fought to SAVE people!

Nate: So what about you?! Why are you a hero?!

Themis: I... Why...

Unification AI: Hostile activity detected. Themis, initiate termination.

Unification AI: Initiate termination.

Themis: ...No.

Unification AI: Subject unable to continue combat. Removing admin status and forcing shut down of subject ID: LCP001

Unification AI: Third-party operation disabled. Assuming independent operations... Commencing arrest of hostiles.

Themis: What are you doing?

Nate: I don't know why you're so mad at me...

Nate: But I hate you. I used to look up to you... You were so strong, so steadfast... The kind of hero I wanted to be.

Nate: Yet despite all that, you let yourself go all grimdark, and now you're blinded by those feelings. I hate you for that.

Nate: You clawed your way to the top, but now what?! Sure, being the best of the best comes with its fair share of burdens...

Nate: But that just proves how strong those at the top are! How prepared they are to face any and all adversity! I KNOW you have what it takes.

Nate: Now get up, hero... I won't let you throw it all away like this!

Themis: Is this... how you felt all along?

Regis: Are you two unharmed? Everything going according to plan?

Alk: Regis? Something wrong?

Regis: Bad news, kids. The machines are starting to run wild. They can no longer distinguish friend from foe.

Regis: Dismantling the AI is proceeding as planned, but it may try to escape into a local server in your area!

Alk: Ready, Nate?

Nate: Yeah, let's go.

???: If it isn't the town hero. Well? Still feeling down in the dumps? Or are you ready to leave your despair behind?

Themis: You...

King Johnson: If you are, perhaps a chat with our engineer is in order?