A Hero's Beginning Event/Beginning

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In front of the fallen Unification AI, Themis and Nate finally give each other their reasons for being a hero. Days later, Alk and Nate are out shopping when they run into Themis again. Just as they begin to bicker, Nate receives ward if a job, and the two if them race off, ready for another day of being heroes.

Nate: I hope you get another chance to live among us and see who we really are.

Themis: Still as naïve as ever, I see.

Nate: So what? This is who I am.

Themis: Then we'll just leave it at that.

Themis: I believe you asked me a question. You wanted to know why I'm a hero, no?

Nate: Yeah. Did you finally remember?

Themis: I never forgot, at least as far as I'm concerned. All I want is to fight for what's right.

Themis: But perhaps... I forgot the reason behind that commitment.

Themis: I'll ask you one more time, Nate. Why are you a hero?

Nate: I just don't want anyone getting hurt.

Nate: I like seeing people happy. That goes for the strong... and the weak.

Nate: And... I believe everyone feels that way deep down. At least a little.

Nate: I also think there are bad people who are strong BECAUSE of what they've been through. It might not be true for everyone, but definitely some.

Themis: From my viewpoint, you fit that description perfectly.

Nate: Yeah, probably. I may not have much confidence, but I've still got a little of that light in me.

Nate: So anyone who wants to stomp out that light will have to answer to me. That goes for anyone who throws it away too.

Nate: I want to protect that spark that lives in us all... Even if I do get jealous of how bright others shine sometimes.

Themis: I see... I think I finally understand you.

Themis: Nice work out there, hero... You really saved me.

Nate: No problem, hero!

King Johnson: Ugh, it's so small! So dirty! So OUT OF STYLE! Reminds me of my old troubleshooter days!

Regis: Oh? I thought you picked this place out yourself?

King Johnson: Well, the company suffered a major loss, after all. Take a look at these stock prices.

Regis: Hm? What interesting data.

King Johnson: You noticed, eh? I knew you would.

King Johnson: The stock prices of PBC, Lunus, and several others took a severe blow. Which, given the circumstances, makes sense.

King Johnson: But AltMeme and Noxel Group's prices remain the same. How's that possible?

Regis: Has this happened before?

King Johnson: Indeed it has. The incident with DAN didn't even put a dent in Noxel's prices.

King Johnson: Regis... Do you believe in gods?

Regis: The gods died a long time ago, at least on my world... But perhaps they still exist here.

Nate: At last, it's finally mine! Thanks for going shopping with me, Alk!

Alk: No problem. I'm just glad it was worth the wait for you.

Alk: So what did you buy? It must be pretty neat for so many people to line up for it.

Nate: Remember how that motorcycle of yours is based on a comic book? This is the complete collector's edition.

Nate: They even included notes on the world and the artist's novel draft. I HAD to have it!

Alk: Gotcha. Sounds like it's catered to the super fans.

Alk: Speaking of merchandise, looks like they're selling stuff with you on it too.

Nate: ...What?

Nate: You... You didn't see anything.

Alk: Huh?

Nate: You didn't see anything, got it? Definitely not my fan comic.

Themis: Hm? What a coincidence running into you two.

Nate: ...Oh no.

Themis: Well, that's no way to greet a fellow hero.

Nate: Wh-what are you doing here?

Themis: Today's my day off. I know some new merchandise of mine launched today, so I thought I'd stop by.

Themis: Is that why you're here? How nice. Would you like me to autograph it for you?

Nate: AS IF! I'm just hanging out with Alk!

Themis: ...Why would she hang out with you and not me?

Alk: Uh... Don't ask me.

Nate: What's with you? Didn't know you were the jealous type.

Themis: Adults have their fair share of secrets. Especially if they happen to be heroes.

King Johnson: Good day to you, Nate! Have I got news for you!

Nate: Ugh, save it. I know it's work! Where am I going?

Themis: It seems to be right around the corner.

Nate: Then let's finish this up quick! I want to actually ENJOY my day off!

Themis: Mind if I join you?

Nate: Alk, watch my stuff!

Nate: All right, everybody who wants a knuckle sandwich, get in line!