A Hero's Beginning Event/At Odds

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At Odds

Feeling rejuvenated after a trip to Starview, Nate once again meets Themis. After the two argue, Themis accuses her of disturbing the peace and has a security bot attack her.

King Johnson: Hmmm... So the Lunus Civil Police Force is officially introducing more robots to preserve peace and order. That explains their increase in numbers.

Alk: They've certainly decreased the number of jobs we get. Is that going to be an issue?

King Johnson: Nope! No problem at all!

Nate: *sigh* I don't know where you get that confidence...

Nate: Those hunks of metal are probably doing a better job than me anyway.

King Johnson: Hm... Sounds like someone needs a break!

Alk: Hey, remember that coffee I made you? Would you like to know where I got it?

Nate: Huh? Yeah, I guess I would. But now's not the time to-

Alk: Come on, it'll be fine. Let's go!

Nate: Huh?! Go?! Go where?!

Nate: Uh... What's this?

Nimbus: Huh, look what the Alk dragged in.

Light: Hm... Alk, is this the girl you mentioned before?

Alk: Yup, this is Nate. She and I have been working together.

Stella: Hello, Nate. Welcome to Starview Village. I am its keeper, Stella.

Nate: Huh? Uh... Th-thanks?

Nate: What?! A Ch-Champion? Like in those fantasy stories?! Are you for real!?

Stella: Indeed we are.

Light: Well, I don't exactly possess the power of the Champions anymore...

Nimbus: Looks like you found yourself another straggler to take in.

Alk: So, did that cheer you up at all?

Nate: Come on, lay off me, will yah? But, well... Yeah. Thanks.

Nate: You know, the hero Themis was always my idol.

Nate: The person we met is the original's successor. The original Themis was working for close to fifty years without any signs of stopping- a real legend, honestly.

Nate: He had this strict sense of right and wrong, and he looked cool to boot... It was a real shock when he was killed.

Alk: Killed? By who?

Nate: Some random punk... The bionic trash bag gave Themis some kinda sob story and then stabbed him when he let his guard down.

Nate: Maybe that's what the second Themis was so pissed about. The original Themis never wavered. He genuinely wanted to stop evil in its tracks.

Nate: Seeing someone as unsure of themselves as me must look like an insult to her predecessor...

Alk: Well, at the end of the day, you're the one who decides what your next step is.

Nate: To be honest, I don't know why I want to be a hero, but I do. I don't want to quit.

Nate: For the first time in my life, I'm doing something I actually want to do.

Nate: All right! All clear!

Alk: Someone's raring to go today.

Nate: Come on, it's not every day that you get to meet a real-life fantasy hero! Of course I'm excited.

Alk: Well, don't get too excited and run off without me, okay?

Themis: ...Late again, I see.

Nate: What's his crime?

Themis: Theft and assault. It seems he's also out on bail for a separate charge, so save your pity for someone worth it.

Boy: Dammit! Let me go!

Boy: Graaah!

Nate: Whoa, hey! Cut it out!

Nate: I-I'm not saying you should let him off the hook, but...

Nate: He doesn't have a weapon anymore, so what's the point of hurting him?

Themis: How in the world did you survive as long as you have?

Themis: Listen well... This man is just another evil of this world. As long as he exists, he will continue to do harm to others. That's just the way his kind works.

Themis: Letting him off easy will just encourage him to commit even worse crimes.

Nate: ...You can't be serious.

Nate: You don't even know this guy! How can you say that for sure?!

Themis: I don't have time to worry about every crook's feelings.

Nate: But just making an assumption and judging people based on that doesn't help anyone! All it does it hurt them!

Nate: You can't just blame the people. This WORLD is just as much at fault as-

Themis: You... Why do you want to be a hero?

Nate: I-I...

Themis: You can't answer that, can you? No wonder... You're the same as this man!

Themis: You're all just looking for excuses, whether it's the economy, the environment you were raised in, or just society itself...

Themis: Shifting blame for your own misdeeds onto everything but yourself! You never acknowledge the evil in your actions.

Themis: Instead, you'd rather just play the victim. Isn't that right?

Nate: No...

Nate: I-I'm not...

Themis: You've wasted enough of my time. In accordance with the Noxel Group Bylaws, I hereby charge you two with disturbing the peace.

Alk: What the-

Themis: From now on, stay out of my way.

Alk: Nate! Get ready!

Nate: Aaargh!